Aktualna wystawa

Plan tegoroczny W zeszłym roku Spis od 1976  

Wokół Wielkiej

Wystawy 2000

Plan tegoroczny
W zeszłym roku




Artyści Kotliny Jeleniogórskiej


Paweł Trybalski

The Light of Universe

I have once received really king`s gift from Paweł Trybalski, tiny, grey picture, cut accross by black lines.

On top of them the artist placed, with grat care, as if with sensitiveness, blue and green cristal. Like from kaleidoscope. Or - from the Universe. You may well say that from the light of Universe. For, cristal emanates extraordinary, condence brithness. Its origin seems to me inscrutable, unearthly, alluring by its intensity and also mystery.

On the other hand I know that this light emerges from heart of hearts - from consciousness and subconsciousness of the artist. It is inseparable attibute of his art. and his personality. He lets us in through this window, invites us into his world. Paweł Trybalsk`s world is difficult to define, to put a good construction on words although seemingly there is a lot of literature in it.

Perhaps it is surrealism or maybe science fiction or simply metaphor. The concrete world and not existing as well. Made of the matter and spirit. What is more significant - one cannot tell. It is the composition as a whole, very comprehensive - indissoluble. Indissoluble but - speculative. I think Trybalski, exeptionally, is extremely conscious artists and although there is so much magic in his work, it is mind and not insinct what brings painter`s theatre on canvas into being. It is such intellectual game, "the game of string of glass beads" which is to astonish us by intention and accomplishment. And this hapens here. Similary, light and place seem to be of importance in Trybalski`s creation. Not the place he paints but the one he lives in. It is because of its climate, extremely individual - the house full of keepsakes, the garden where birds and other animals appear every minute. And all this is situated in charming, " extensive mountainous landscape of Silesian Michałowice - it seems to liberate, in specific way, imagination of the artist.

He did travel around the world a lot and far but now his place is here and perhaps that is why this real world has already become as well pictured, mixed, transformed as if revealed again; being created though existing. Galapagos, Australia, some cosmos - they are all emerging here in Silesia.

The purpose of his art. is not to teach us but to astonish. To move. One not need to think, one need to feel.

Even if we would like to ask the artist a lot of questions. Noone knows whether he could answer them all. I believe he will always remain equally as aware as natural in choosing association of ideas.

Accessories - those from technique and those from cosmos testify that he paints today`s world and maybe the future one. He attaches importance to detail. It is surely connected with perfection of his technique. Recently however, he seems to save us from our favourite details. In exhibiting at the moment "Fałdyliery", inspired by secession of miscellaneous landscape the first task of the artist seems to have high aspirations towards form. He always took care of structure; here this structure becomes the only theme although the paitings don`t lack joy of the colours, chasing lines and most of all outstanding light... Let alone - mystery. In his new proposals the artist removed himself from those near and dear by spirit works of Henryk Waniek and Zdzisław Beksiński. He simplified, purified himself, he came closer to synthesis.

Elżbieta Dzikowska



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